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How to Find a Good Law Firm: Part Two

When it comes to finding a quality law firm, there are some steps you will want to take before making a decision. Read on to learn more about what steps to take, and be sure to give our previous post, How to Find a Good Law Firm: Part One, a read for even more insights. If you have any questions or would like to see if our Miami law firm is a good fit for you and your case, contact us at the Law Office of David Howard today.

How to Find the Right Law Firm for You and Your Case - infographic.png

4. Do your research.

This is an absolute must, as there are many different law firms out there. While Google can be a great resource for finding a lawyer in your area, we suggest reaching out to close friends, family members, or even colleagues to see if they have any recommendations. Once you find a few lawyers that you are interested in working with, the next step is to give them a call and set up a consultation to see if they will be a good fit for you.

5. Remember that bigger doesn’t always mean better.

When it comes to choosing a law firm, bigger does not mean better. This is because many larger law firms need to run through hundreds or thousands of cases at a time just to pay the big overhead and have large bureaucracies that are often difficult for their clients to navigate. Cases may be processed in batches, so the unique aspects of your case can easily get lost in the shuffle. On top of that, because your lawyer is very busy with the number of cases they are juggling, they likely won’t be able to provide you with the attention you deserve. Be sure that when your lawyer is talking to you, you are the most important client that they have.

6. Ensure that your lawyer genuinely cares about you and your case.

The last thing you want is to start working with a lawyer only for the above scenario to happen where your case isn’t taken seriously and you are just another client on your lawyer’s list. The law firm you select should be giving you their all, working tirelessly and aggressively to help you obtain the results you deserve. After speaking with a prospective lawyer, ask yourself questions such as:

  • “How well was I treated?”

  • “Were all of my phone calls returned?”

  • “Will this law firm provide me and my case with the care and attention I deserve?”

7. Know how you and your lawyer plan on communicating with each other.

Having a clear understanding of the process of communication you and your lawyer plan on having will help to ensure that they get all of the details pertaining to your case in a timely and efficient manner. It also helps to ensure that you will stay in the loop as your case progresses. When the client and lawyer keep each other informed and up-to-date on information, the case will head in the right direction towards the best possible outcome. If your lawyer does not provide you with a solid form of communication for you to remain in the loop, you may want to either follow up or reconsider your options.

8. Schedule an interview.

This is crucial in order to determine whether or not a law firm will be a good fit for you. If you are going to be paying a lawyer to help you with your case, you are going to want to have all of your bases covered before moving forward by interviewing them and asking ample questions. We suggest that you write down a list of questions before heading into your meeting. Here are some examples of questions you will want to ask a prospective lawyer:

  • What does your pricing look like? Do you offer hourly pricing or flat fees?

  • How quickly can I expect for you to complete this case?

  • What is your success rate with cases like mine?

  • Do you have any references from prior clients?

  • How quickly can you start?

  • Who will be my primary contact and how will we go about communicating about my case?


If you are looking for a reputable law firm in the Miami area who will go the extra mile for you and your case, be sure to reach out to the Law Office of David Howard today. We specialize and have extensive experience in a wide range of cases, including criminal law/pre-indictment, personal injury, corporate investigations, and fraud/white collar crimes. As a smaller law firm, we treat each and every one of our clients like family and work diligently to bring them the results they deserve. We also ensure consistent communication with each client in order to keep them in the loop and heavily involved in their defenses. We look forward to working with you.